söndag 5 mars 2017

Sign on the dotted line

(Mamma, det finns en sammanfattning på svenska längst ner)

Last Friday was a big day for us and the hospital. We finally signed the contract for the construction of the new Emergency Department!

During meetings on Thursday and Friday with our contractor, we finalized some details like how the windows should look and what type of drainage system should be used for the rainwater. By lunchtime on Friday, the hospital and the contractors were both ready to sign the contract. This agreement was certainly worth celebrating. Next thing we knew we were toasting with ice cold sodas in PET-bottles.

No deal is completed before picture time.

Parts of the hospital management with representatives from the contractor.

I fredags skrevs äntligen kontraktet på för den nya akutavdelningen!

Under möten med vårt byggföretag på torsdag och fredag diskuterade vi detaljer som utformningen av fönstren och vilken slags dränering vi skall använda för att hantera regnet. Vid lunch på fredag var både sjukhuset och byggföretaget redo att skriva på kontraktet. Detta firades med iskall läsk i PET-flaskor.

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